
首頁 > 憑證申請 > 申請組織及團體憑證IC卡(附卡)步驟2

Application Steps 2 for XCA Certificate Supplementary IC Cards


正附卡申請選擇 Choose Application For
Primary / Supplementary
IC Card

同意用戶約定條款 Accept User Agreement

線上填寫申請書並繳費 Complete the Online
Application Form
and Make Payment

確認完成線上申請 Confirmation of Online
Application Completion

用戶約定條款 User Agreement Terms (Terms of Service)

組織及團體憑證管理中心(以下簡稱本管理中心)之用戶,係指記載於本管理中心所簽發憑證的憑證主體名稱(Certificate Subject Name)的個體,以本管理中心負責簽發憑證而言,用戶就是政府機關(構)、單位。

Users of the miXed organization Certification Authority (hereinafter referred to as “the XCA”) refer to the entities whose Certificate Subject Name is recorded in the certificates issued by the XCA. From the perspective of the XCA responsible for issuing certificates, users are government agencies or entities.

用戶之義務 User Obligations

  •  應遵守本管理中心憑證實務作業基準(以下簡稱本作業基準)之相關規定,並確認所提供申請資料之正確性。

    Users must abide by the relevant provisions of the Certificate Practice Statement (hereinafter referred to as the “CPS”) of the XCA and confirm the accuracy of the provided application information.
  • 在本管理中心核定憑證申請並簽發憑證後,用戶應依照本作業基準4.3節規定接受憑證。

    Once the certificate application is approved and the certificate is issued by the XCA, users should accept the certificate in accordance to the provisions of Section 4.3 of the “CPS”.
  • 用戶在接受本管理中心所簽發之憑證後,即表示已確認憑證內容資訊之正確性,並依照本作業基準1.3.7節規定使用憑證,如憑證內容資訊有誤,用戶應主動通知本管理中心。

    Upon accepting the certificate issued by the XCA, users confirm the accuracy of the information contained in the certificate and shall use the certificate as specified under Section 1.3.7 of the “CPS”. If there are any inaccuracies in the information contained in the certificate, users should immediately notify the XCA.
  • 應妥善保管及使用私密金鑰。

    Users should properly safeguard and use their private keys.
  • 如須暫停使用、恢復使用、廢止或重發憑證,應依照本作業基準第四章規定辦理,如發生私密金鑰資料外洩或遺失等情形,必須廢止憑證時,應立即通知本管理中心,但用戶仍應承擔異動前所有使用該憑證之法律責任。

    If there is a need to temporarily suspend, restore, revoke, or replace a certificate, users should follow the procedures specified in Chapter 4 of the “CPS”. If a private key is exposed or lost, and the certificate must be revoked, the user must notify XCA immediately. However, users remain responsible for all legal obligations arising from the use of the certificate prior to the change of a private key.
  • 應慎選安全的電腦環境及可信賴的應用系統,如因電腦環境或應用系統本身因素導致信賴憑證者權益受損時,應自行承擔責任。

    A safe computer environment and a reliable application system should be carefully selected. If the rights and interests of the relying parties are infringed due to the computer environment or the application system itself, the user should bear the responsibility themselves.
  • 本管理中心所簽發之伺服器應用軟體憑證,以標的物為憑證主體,並以該標的物之所有人或經授權之使用人為用戶。如標的物之財產所有權或使用權發生移轉時,用戶應廢止原憑證並重新申請憑證。

    The server application software certificates issued by the XCA are based on the certificate subject, which is the entity owning the property or the authorized user of the subject. If there is a transfer of property ownership or usage rights of the subject, users should revoke the original certificate and apply for a new certificate.
  • 本管理中心如因故無法正常運作時,用戶應儘速尋求其他途徑完成與他人應為之法律行為,不得以本管理中心無法正常運作,作為抗辯他人之事由。

    If the XCA cannot operate normally for some reason, the user should seek other ways to complete the legal act with others as soon as possible, and shall not use the failure of the XCA as a reason to defend others.