
Certificate Payment System


The serial number is the serial number shown on the certificate application form (25 digits in total).


The user code is a 6 to 10 character alphanumeric or symbolic code (case-sensitive) that the applicant sets up during the application process.


  • 案件流水號
    Serial Number
    - - - -
  • 用戶代碼
    User Code

注意事項 Precautions

  • 繳費前務必再次確認申請名稱正確,憑證一旦核發將無法變更名稱且無法退費。
    Before making the payment, please double-check that the application name is correct. Once the certificate is issued, the name cannot be changed, and refunds will not be accepted.

  • 每筆案件流水號與付費方式皆是獨立的,請勿重複繳費。
    The serial number and payment method of each case are independent, please do not pay twice.

  • 付費方式可選擇:信用卡付費、ATM或臨櫃繳款(不含付費時產生的手續費)。
    Available payment methods include credit cards, ATM transaction, or payment at the counter (excluding transaction fees).

  • ATM或臨櫃繳款之付費方式,請於繳費期限前完成繳費,逾期後帳號將自動失效,請再次至憑證付費系統重新取得繳款資訊(等確認在上網)。
    For payment methods via ATM transaction or at the counter, please make the payment before the deadline. If the payment is not completed before the deadline, the account will automatically become invalid. Please return to the certificate payment system to obtain the payment information again.

  • 繳費完成後,開立電子發票需約3-5個工作天,非繳費當日開立。
    After the payment is completed, the XCA will issue an electronic invoice (which takes about 3-5 business days to process).

  • 請先完成繳費後,將公文及憑證申請書以公文電子交換或郵寄至初審註冊窗口。
    Please complete the payment first and then send the official document and certificate application form to the RAO (Registration Authority Officer) via electronic exchange of official documents or by mail.

  • 數位發展部委託中華電信股份有限公司資訊技術分公司收取憑證卡片工本費,每張為420元(含郵寄費用),非IC卡每張320元。
    The Ministry of Digital Affairs authorizes Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Information Technology Branch to collect the cost of the IC card. Each IC card charges NTD 420 (including postage). Other token certificate charges 320 NTD/per certiticate.